

A noter le décalage horaire ( + 2H pour la Turquie)

Est indiqué en rouge l'université organisatrice


Mercredi 16 décembre 2020


MATIN : 11h30-13h30 (Turquie) -9h30-11h30  (Tunisie et France)


1h : Ouvertures institutionnelles et présentation de l’Ecole et de ses objets : sur les 3 sites

20 mn par site de présentation d’un projet : présentation délivrables, accueil des étudiant·es

Capsule artistique par Anna Raimondo, artiste en résidence à l'IMERA





France 13h -14h

film d’Aylin Kuryel (The Balcony and our dreams) et débat avec Senem Aytaç (de la Revue de cinéma, Altyazı)

Epidemic, balcony and our dreams:

discussion  par FFM Nicola Schieweck 

Turquie (organisatrice) 15h-16h

Film d’Aylin Kuryel (The Balcony and our dreams) et débat avec Senem Aytaç (de la Revue de cinéma, Altyazı)

Epidemic, balcony and our dreams:

discussion animée  par FFM Nicola Schieweck 

Tunisie 13h-14h

film d’Aylin Kuryel (The Balcony and our dreams) et débat avec Senem Aytaç (de la Revue de cinéma, Altyazı)

Epidemic, balcony and our dreams:

discussion  par FFM Nicola Schieweck 



After the event

Begüm Özden Fırat & Zeyno Pekünlü

Débats entre les 3 sites 


After the event

Begüm Özden Fırat & Zeyno Pekünlü

Débats entre les 3 sites 


After the event

Begüm Özden Fırat & Zeyno Pekünlü

Débats entre les 3 sites 

Atelier 16h-17h30

Visite virtuelle du centre de conservation et de ressources du Mucem et rencontre-échange avec les conservateurs, responsables du Mucem. 


Atelier 17h-18h30

Atelier 16h-17h30

Carte blanche 17h30-19h

Carte blanche 19h 

Carte Blanche 17h30-19h


Istanbul: After the Event

Begüm Özden Fırat is currently a faculty member at Mimar Sinan Fine Arts University, Department of Sociology. She studied urban and cultural sociology, visual culture, and culture and social movements. She is an editor of the books entitled Commitment and Complicity in Cultural Theory and Practice (Palgrave/Macmillan, 2009), Cultural Activism: Practices, Dilemmas, Possibilities (Rodopi, 2011) and Resistance and Aesthetics in the Age of Global Rebellion (Küresel Ayaklanmalar Çağında Direniş ve Estetik, 2015, İletişim). Her book entitled Encounters with the Ottoman Miniature: Contemporary Readings of an Imperial Art was published in 2015 by I.B. Tauris.

Zeyno Pekünlü is an artist based in Istanbul. She obtained her M.A. from University of Barcelona and her Ph.D. from Mimar Sinan University. She is currently running the Work and Research Program of the Istanbul Biennial (ÇAP) for young artists and researchers. Comprising a wide spectrum of material from the National Anthem to Turkish melodramas, from cheat sheets to Youtube videos, Pekünlü’s works traverse public and private manifestations of various forms of subordination, and problematize the technologies of power.

After the Event focuses on the afterlife of the recent cycle of revolts initiated in late 2010. Wherever they have emerged- Turkey to Spain, from Greece to Syria and Egypt- these movements shook the existing political systems and sometimes toppled them down, yet they proved to be not powerful enough to subvert the political establishment as a whole.


Jeudi 17 décembre 2020

Matin : Ateliers sur chaque site 

France-Tunisie : 9h-11h30 : ateliers consacrés à la poursuite des travaux. 

Turquie : 11h-12H30 :Turquie: Atelier (SUGENDER / SABANCI ÜNİVERSİTESİ)

Ayşegül Altınay et Sema Semih Resilience and Resistance: Gendered Bodies in Movement :

Based on our experiences in the Transformative Activism Program that brings together activists from different parts of Turkey to learn and practice community-oriented self-care and wellbeing tools, this workshop will invite the participants to reflect on bodies and embodiment in activism.  What is the relationship between resistance and resilience? How can we conceptualize and put into action the connections between personal and collective transformation, personal and collective well-being? What are some of the new forms in which “healing” and “justice” are coming together in contemporary activism - as in the case of the Black Lives Matter movement? What can we learn from trauma studies about the possibilities of integrating embodiment into activist practices? We invite the participants to come to the workshop prepared to share at least one inspiring example of embodied activism that brings together personal and collective transformation, healing and justice, self-care and community care. 

This will be an interactive workshop and will involve body movement and contemplative practices.


Turquie : 15h30-19h30


Présidence de séance Nadezhda Alexandrova

Session 1 : corps contraints (détaillé ci-dessous)

France (organisatrice) 13h30-17h30

Présidence de séance 

Nadezhda Alexandrova

Session 1 : Corps contraints

( voir le programme détaillé ci-dessous)

Tunisie : 13h30-17h30


Présidence de séance Nadezhda Alexandrova

Session 1 : corps contraints (détaillé ci-dessous)

 Présidence de séance : Fatma Oussedik

Session 2 : corps humiliés

Présidence de séance

Fatma Oussedik

Session 2 : Corps humiliés

( voir le programme détaillé ci-dessous)

 Présidence de séance : Fatma Oussedik

Session 2 : corps humiliés

Carte blanche

Carte blanche

Carte blanche





13h30-13h45 (+ 2h Turquie) - Nicole Cadene, GeFeM-GeCRiS TELEMME (AMU-CNRS), Broken Existence, Marie de Gasté (1843 - ?) at Docteur Blanche’s care home

In the beginning of 1866, while sequestered at Doctor Blanche’s care home (in accordance with her father’s will), the 22 year-old Marie de Gasté began writing a “short catechism from a care home” which was a prolongation of her diary turned into a guide for survival. This exceptional document which she later published under the eloquent title of Broken Existence (Existence brisée), reveals the case of a girl who suffers extreme abuse from her father who, benefiting from a more or less active support from various institutions, tries in every way to deprive his daughter from any subjectivity in her body and soul.

Paradoxically, it is during her psychiatric internment, while the constraints upon her are peaking, that the young woman becomes capable of establishing a link between her personal tragedy and patriarchal oppression, accessing thereby a feminist awareness of her situation. This onset of agency drives Doctor Blanche to despair who ends up releasing her 18 months later, of course, as “unhealed”.



13h45-14h (+ 2h Turquie) Zoë Dubus, TELEMMe : An alienated body, manipulated and drugged, but an individuality still active: the case of Célina Marcilat La Salpêtrière, 1871-1879

Célina Marcil…, a 27-year-old laundress, has been interned since 1867 at the Salpêtrière. Hysterical, suffering from vaginismus, she suffered extremely violent attacks. In order to relieve it and thus ensure the calm of their department, the doctors at the hospital usually generously provide sedatives such as ether or morphine to their patients. Her doctors therefore administered high doses of psychotropic drugs to her, which quickly made her dependent and exacerbated her erotic delusions, carefully transcribed in her case study. Victim of a violent institution and the libidinous gaze that medical staff cast on her, Celina nonetheless demonstrates a certain capacity to act within the asylum. Claiming to the point of violence that her doctors provide her with the desired quantities of ether or morphine, using them to intensify her erotic delusions, using the ether to achieve sexual enjoyment impossible to achieve with her lover, the patient manages to resist and adapt to his dramatic condition.


14h-14h15 : Véronique Poutrain, GeFeM-GeCRiS TELEMME (AMU-CNRS) : The paradox of BDSM relationships: from coercion to self-invention


BDSM (Bondage, Discipline, Sado-Masochism) relationships are heterogeneous and are very similar to any other type of relationship. In fact, like any type of relationship, there are mechanisms of domination and appropriation of the other. However, they are also the place where a real exchange can take place. Thus, they do not constitute a breach of respect for people any more than others. It can even lead to power relationship and gender relations or participate in a new construction of identities. And paradoxically, it is by using masks, by ritualizing and dramatizing the exchange that individuals have the opportunity to assert oneself as another and to explore new inventions of oneself.


14h15-14h30h : Fabienne Soldini, LAMES (AMU-CNRS) : Constrained body, kidnapped body, unchained body: pregnant woman in contemporary detective novel

Pregnant woman appeared in contemporary detective novel as an integral victim: kidnapped, exploited, murdered; the situation of pregnancy was only shown as a physical weakness shackling female body. Now, recent novels show pregnant women who, because of their own resources, break free from their captor. These narrative situations demonstrate a modification of social representations of female body and motherhood.  



présidence séance : Fatma Oussedik


15h15-15h35 Nadezhda Alexandrova, Sofia University, Bulgarie, program PIMo (COST CA 18140, Brussels)  : Socks and slaves from the Balkans to the Egyptian markets: mobilizing women’s body in domestic labor and prostitution in the 19th c.,

Socks and slaves from the Balkans to the Egyptian markets: mobilizing women’s body in domestic labor and prostitution in the 19th c.

The presentation will focus on two case studies that show women’s labor and women’s body as subjects of economic exploitation in the 19th c. Ottoman lands. The first describes Bulgarian women as domestic workers doing simple manufacturing of handwoven clothes for the huge trade companies of their male counterparts, situated in the big port cities of Istanbul, Cairo and Alexandria. The second case study describes prostitution and slavery, which Circassian women have faced as refugees to the Balkans as a result of the 19th c. Russian military campaigns. I will try to investigate the attitude to these women and to trace their journey across the above-mentioned territories, and eventually to the Ottoman private homes and the slave markets of the Mediterranean. 

Combining primary written accounts of witnesses of those practices with secondary bibliographical sources on that period in Ottoman history, I intend to discuss the way body politics is related to changes of the status of the subject and her positioning in marginal geographical or social place. My key questions of analysis are to what extend such domestic labor and sex service can be regarded as labor and is it possible to regard such practices as empowering women, or empowerment is a cover story of the male gaze to hide the recidivisms of patriarchy.

15h35-15h55 : Marc Calvini-Lefebvre : (LERMA) : Mobilising bodies in war time: a picture is worth a thousand words


Aperçu de l’image


Wars don't happen if bodies aren't mobilised. But how does one mobilise bodies in a society that is both liberal - men were not conscripted - and patriarchal - women were expected to "stay at home and weep"?  The poster discussed here captures the essence of the British response to this dilemma during the Great War: the construction of a hegemonic form of masculinity via the figure of "Tommy Atkins" which served to celebrate and humilate male bodies, as well as to make room for certain forms of feminine engagement, though none that could challenge male superiority"


15h55-16h10 : Renée Dray-Bensousan, GeFeM-GeCRiS TELEMMe (AMU-CNRS): La négation des corps féminins dans le système concentrationnaire

Dès leur arrivée dans les camps les femmes ont été marquées dans leur corps, et niées dans leur féminité au cours de plusieurs étapes que l'on peut recenser de la manière suivante.  Elles ont d'abord subi un véritable attentat à leur pudeur en étant obligées à la nudité devant tous. Puis ce fut le marquage, le tatouage qui annulait leur identité propre. Elles devenaient des numéros. Elles subissent alors la suppression des marqueurs de leurs féminités : plus d'habit adaptés, plus de cheveux, plus de menstrues. La négation de leurs corps entraîne la suppression des marqueurs humains. il n'y a plus de genre ; elles sont devenues des objets.  

16h10-16h30 : Sumbul Kaya Ifea (Institut Français d’Etudes Anatoliennes, IFEA, Istanbul) : Des corps meurtris au corps politique, la nation : la représentation des corps lors de la tentative du coup d’état de juillet 2016


La tentative du coup d’état du 15 juillet 2016 a donné à voir à des scènes de violence sans précédent. Les affrontements et les confrontations entre des civils et policiers s’opposant aux putschistes ont laissé place à des corps meurtris. Cette communication étudiera la représentation de ces corps à travers leur traitement médiatique et les réactions qu’elles ont pu susciter au sein de la société. Nous intéresserons à la prise en charge étatique et sociétale des corps décédés. Nous verrons à la fois un processus de glorification des martyrs (civils décédés lors de la tentative) et des pratiques visant à rejeter le corps des putschistes.
16h-30-17h : Débats


17h : intervention de l’artiste Anna Raimondo (IMERA)



Vendredi 18 décembre 2020

Matin : Turquie : reprise des travaux. Modérateurs: Feyza Ak Akyol et İpek Merçil  (9h-11h)

Turquie 11h 14h

Tunisie 9h -12h (pays organisateur)

France 9h-12h

Hafedh Djedidi : modérateur

Béchir Gorchène, artiste sculpteur et performer

Dr Ahlem MTIRAOUI, Psychiatre, Psychothérapeute (TCC), Sexologue Clinicienne

Maître de Conférence Agrégée à la Faculté de Médecine de Sousse

Service de Psychiatrie, CHU Farhat Hached, Sousse, TUNISIE

  "Coût du traumatisme : le corps mémoire"

 Olfa Bouassida Souli , Docteur en Sciences Culturelles, Maitre- assistante à l'Institut Supérieur des Beaux-Arts de Sousse- Tunisie, Corps dansants , corps en mouvant dans le tanztheater de Pina Bausch .

Nour-Imène Sassi,activiste(Vice-présidente Amnesty international-Tunisie), Violence confinée :prévenir et contenir

Exposition artistique plurielle : peinture sculpture, art vidéo et installations

Hafedh Djedidi : modérateur : 

Béchir Gorchène, artiste sculpteur et performer


Dr Ahlem MTIRAOUI, Psychiatre, psychothérapeute (TCC), Sexologue Clinicienne

Maître de Conférence Agrégée à la Faculté de Médecine de Sousse

Service de Psychiatrie, CHU Farhat Hached, Sousse, TUNISIE

  "Coût du traumatisme : le corps mémoire"

Olfa Bouassida Souli , Docteur en Sciences Culturelles, Maitre- assistante à l'Institut Supérieur des Beaux-Arts de Sousse- Tunisie, Corps dansants , corps en mouvant dans le tanztheater de Pina Bausch

Nour-Imène Sassi, activiste (Vice-présidente Amnesty international-Tunisie), Violence confinée : prévenir et contenir

Exposition artistique plurielle : peinture sculpture, art vidéo et installations

Hafedh Djedidi : modérateur

Béchir Gorchène, artiste sculpteur et performer

Dr Ahlem MTIRAOUI, Psychiatre, Psychothérapeute (TCC), Sexologue Clinicienne

Maître de Conférence Agrégée à la Faculté de Médecine de Sousse

Service de Psychiatrie, CHU Farhat Hached, Sousse, TUNISIE

  "Coût du traumatisme : le corps mémoire"

 Olfa Bouassida Souli , Docteur en Sciences Culturelles, Maitre- assistante à l'Institut Supérieur des Beaux-Arts de Sousse- Tunisie, Corps dansants , corps en mouvant dans le tanztheater de Pina Bausch .

Nour-Imène Sassi,activiste(Vice-présidente Amnesty international-Tunisie), Violence confinée :prévenir et contenir

Exposition artistique plurielle : peinture sculpture, art vidéo et installations

 13h-15h carte blanche

13h-15h carte blanche

13h15h carte blanche

17h30-19h30 Présentation des travaux,conclusion, ouverture, remise des prix par site

15h30-17h30 présentation des travaux, conclusion, ouverture, remise des prix par site

15h30-17h30 présentation des travaux, conclusion, ouverture, remise des prix par site



Presentation abstracts Sousse

Béchir Gorchen, artist, painter and sculptor : « Sculptural Corporeality via imaginary components and transgression »

This presentation analyzes a sculptural performance realized in 2-D in Béchir Gorchen’s workshop which, on the occasion of a cultural and artistic event in March 2019, was transferred to an urban public garden in Sousse. The depiction by the artist emphasizes the impact of another type of corporeality on a population profoundly influenced by beliefs and superstitions expressed via an agressive refusal of a « represented body » and its anthropomorphic and chromatic modality which turns away from norms and conventions.

Ahlem Mtiraoui, CHU Farhat Hached, Psychiatric Service, Sousse, Tunisian Society of Clinical Sexology : « The Cost of Traumatism: the Body as Memory »

Sexual violence, especially, incestual violence on minors, is the most important purveyor of psycho-traumatisms. Agressed, threatened, assaulted, the psyche refuses to fully integrate the traumatic event. It produces a phenomenon which breaks and overloads the psyche. The consequences can be severe, chronic and incapacitating with physical and psychological trouble, cognitive and socialization difficulties, risk of asocial behavior and deliquence as well as an increased risk of becoming once again a victim or propogating violence. Traumatic memories and dissociation also occur.

Olfa Bouassida Souli, Doctor in Cultural Sciences, Teaching Assistant at the Higher Institute of Fine Arts in Sousse : "Dancing Bodies, Bodies in Movement in the Tanztheater of Pina Bausch"

Pina Bausch is one of the revolutionary figures in dance whether it is the subjects which she treats, the methods which she uses or the movements of the body in relation to the scene upon which the dancer moves. According to her, dance is not only composed of movement but it is also a language issued from a meticulous work on dreams, memory and desire, all of which highlights conflictual and ambiguous relations between the sexes and the complexity of the human being.

Nour Imene Sassi, Vice-President, Amnesty International, Tunisian section : "Violence Under Lockdown: Alerting and Containing"

Our talk presents the circumstances concerning the violence which was recorded in Sousse during the lockdown period caused by COVID-19 by analyzing testimony given during interviews carried out in Sousse as well as empirical information in this regard in relation to violence experienced during this time. The goal is to develop a strategy to avoid and contain this violence. In the spirit of this School, the idea is to suggest a re-appropriation of these bodies which are under surveillance, mobilized and exposed.

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